08 Meán Fómhair 2008

6th Year...*DunDunDun!*

Note: Pointless rambley blog follows:

So i recently entered 6th year, which, for those non-Irish who my be reading, is the year of nervous breakdowns for millions of children across the universe. Those kids are silly. Despite the fact I'm not in this category of students, this is the first second I've had to myself since I've been back (and even at that I should be doing... not this!). It is my aim this year to (freakin') ace these little exams, while at the same time eating enough to stay awake, exercising enough to not spill over into other people's seats, and partake in extra-curricular activities such as freaking out first years, getting really nervous in front of people while their judging you on your composure(this is a pipe dream at the minute, I'll be really happy i get to do it:P), and witnessing to my peers. (English translations: First year Retreat, Debating, CU).

A few teeny problems face me in the pursuit of these things. For those who don't know me, and possibly many who do: I am lazy(this does not help with study). I SUCK with deadlines(today was the first time I have EVER, at least in secondary school, handed my Irish homework in on time and with some degree of effort made in the completion of it). This could be a problem as i have two 1500 word projects to do. I cannot play an instrument competently. I do not like too much interaction with human beings, especially those that are smaller than me and those I don't know. I do not like speaking in public, especially in a persuasive manner. I do not like bearing my soul to my peers, especially those that know me best.

However, I have made a commitment to these things, and as a result of watching Facing the Giants, I am now bound by my love for God to actually put effort into my endeavours. And who knows, maybe one of the extra-curricular activities will lead to a career  of some sort... Wish me luck, and give me advice!!!

P.S. Blogs of substance coming soon, I promise

07 Meán Fómhair 2008