14 Meán Fómhair 2009

A Collage Of College-y Thoughts

A recent Jones cap said something about a new chapter in my life...(I would tell you the exact wording but I have since disposed of the aforementioned bottle cap). It would seem that I am now sitting on the first few lines of this chapter, and as I sit on my new bed, in my new room, in my new(to me) house, in a new town, a whole new(not really, but repetition is good) set of thoughts, both excitements and apprehensions, is going though my head.

Is anything cleaned properly *cleans EVERYTHING, twice*?(seriously, the cooker is disgusting) What if the house is haunted? What if someone breaks in? What if I don't like the people I'm living with(ok, I'm fairly sure I can put up with one of them, I've known her since we were 5, so I think she's tolerable:P)? What if they don't like me? What if I like them too much(mike you get me:P)? What if they don't reciprocate, or WORSE, what if they DO? What if this payment thing doesn't go through? What if I cant get the words out to the bank person(this one IS reasonable)?

What if I don't make friends? Will I be able to handle all the reading? Should I do Irish? What if I'm crap at Theology? How does one write an essay again? How does one reference? PLAGIARISM - man I hope I don't end up doing that....

What if I cant manage my money? Will I have money for the bus home on Friday? I better not lose my cards... will I be able to get up on time? Ugh, swine flu. UGH even worse, my hands WILL die from the constant hand washing and sanitising...

i know that somewhere in the bible it says that a man does not lengthen his life by worrying about anything. well, i say this... i am a woman:P but seriously, i know that the majority of my worries will never materialise, but this doesn't stop me from having them, and I'm sure that if you're starting on this journey up a level, all the way to the 3rd one no less, at least some of these things, or similar things are on your mind too, or if you;re not quite there yet, will be:P all this said, i am now out on my own, answerable to my nagging parents only 2 days a week, in a position to meet new people, learn new things and experience new experiences, and that's pretty exciting, don't ya think:P (please say ya think:P)


Nexus said...

I think...:P

I take it you managed to find that bank application form thingy after all...

Ahh sure, don't worry... You'll be grand...at least... I hope you will :P

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Ethan, your cuteness will forever tug at a part of my heart ocupied only by you =P

Its cool to worry, everyone seems to be having anxiety attacks everywhere,
Its like I satarted a trend or somehting.
Like Nike.
Edel were like Nike..."just deal with it" =)

Phiasmir said...

We had our open day thingamajig thing today, so I know eXACTly what you mean! I asked a friend how he was doing for finding psychology courses, then realized halfway through his answer that I had just totally zoned out with worry. So we're all in the same boat, wondering if the plague rats will bite our ankles!